Our Products

Sesame Seed
The sesame seed comes from a plant native to Africa and India plant, but today different varieties are grown around the world.

Chia Seed
There is no formal definition of this superfood, containing higher amounts of nutrients than other common foods, including vitamins, minerals, antioxidants and phytonutrients.

Amaranth seeds, sacred grain that provides more protein than milk. The seed has benefits for the cardiovascular system and has remarkable nutritional characteristics in terms of vitamins.

It is an annual species native to South and Central America, and its many varieties are grown around the world for the consumption of both their green pods and their fresh or dried beans.

Quinoa is an herb belonging to the Amaranthaceae family and the Chenopodioideae subfamily, its seed is considered a highly nutritional pseudocereal. It is grown primarily in the Andes mountain range. The main producing countries are Bolivia and Peru.